Identify energy waste to help reduce costs

Discover how Enginuity Power Solutions reduces energy waste & costs with advanced tech, saving $20,000 by fixing air leaks—powering a greener future.

In the realm of energy management, understanding and addressing inefficiencies including energy waste is crucial. The NSW Office of Environment and Heritage highlights a widespread issue: “Air leaks in compressed air systems can be pervasive, with estimates indicating that 25% to 45% of compressed air is typically lost due to leaks.”

Enginuity Power Solutions stands at the forefront of tackling such inefficiencies, offering advanced, cost-effective solutions to enhance energy efficiency. Our approach centres on identifying and rectifying these inefficiencies, often through straightforward maintenance that yields immediate cost savings.

Consider a recent case where our team conducted a meticulous onsite inspection for a client, uncovering several leaks in their compressed air infrastructure. Leveraging our state-of-the-art Fluke ii910 Precision Acoustic Imager, we pinpointed these sources of energy waste, enabling our client to secure an estimated $20,000 in savings annually. This reduction not only represents a significant financial win but also equates to the energy required to power approximately 2.5 Australian homes annually—a testament to the impact of curbing energy wastage.

At Enginuity Power Solutions, we’ve strategically invested in sophisticated diagnostic tools, such as the Fluke ii910, to empower our clients to maximise their energy efficiency without bearing the cost of these technologies themselves. Addressing common challenges like compressed air leaks is just one way we contribute to a more sustainable future. Our philosophy is clear: the most eco-friendly, safest form of energy is the energy we don’t consume.

We’re committed to helping you lower your operational costs and enhance the efficiency of your existing infrastructure. If you’re interested in an energy analysis to identify potential savings, Enginuity Power Solutions is ready to assist. Let us help you transform your energy management strategy, ensuring you meet and exceed your efficiency, sustainability, and financial goals. Contact us today.

Reinventing The Electric Power Industry With Next-Generation Solutions

System Optimisation

Optimisation strategies that create energy-efficient and top-performing power systems.

Power Quality

Strategic solutions to increase the efficiency of your electrical systems by evaluating power quality.

Electrical Compliance

Ensuring clients’ power systems meet all Australian Standards to maximise safety and productivity.

High Voltage Services

Maintaining and optimising privately-owned high-voltage infrastructure, ensuring compliance, and providing 24/7 emergency response.

ESG Consultation

Consultation to ensure governance structures are responsive and adaptive to evolving ESG expectations